
About Us

Yugen® Pharmaceuticals is an Indian Based pharmaceutical company it is Registered Trademark on February 2019 having its marketing office at Bangalore. We are young, dynamic, experienced and extremely ambitious people started the organization with the vision of Quality din in the Indian pharma industry.
For the first year of our launch, we are starting from south India, with the first step from Bangalore Head Quarter. We are mainly focusing on Orthopedic segments, a family physician. We are rapidly expanding innovative products in the pipeline with therapeutic segments with strong, aggressive sales and marketing force. Our management is committed to their overall development and career growth. Yugen Care is with Quality for Humanity.

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Our Vision

Our vision is to be a leading pharmaceutical company in India and to become a significant global player by providing good quality solution , competitive prices in medicine & treatment. In addition to that discover, develop and successfully market pharmaceutical product to diagnose and cure diseases.

Are you ready for a consultation?

Your treatment will be performed by licensed therapist. Schedule your appointment now!

Are you ready for a consultation?

Your treatment will be performed by licensed therapist. Schedule your appointment now!